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markItUp! Releases
Latest Releases
markItUp! pack 1.1.15
By Jay Salvat - Aug, 16 2018Version 1.1.15 with basic Html set and official Skins.
Markup Sets
Some basic markup sets
Basic Html set
By Jay Salvat - Feb, 01 2008A basic Html markup set with Headings, Paragraph, Bold, Italic, Stroke through, Picture, Link, List, Clean button, Preview button.
Basic BBCode set
By Jay Salvat - Feb, 01 2008A basic BBCode markup set with Bold, Italic, Underline, Picture, Link, Size, List, Quotes, Code, Clean button, Preview button.
Basic Textile set
By Jay Salvat - Feb, 01 2008A basic Textile markup set with Headings, Bold, Italic, Stroke through, Picture, Link, List, Quotes, Code, Preview button.
Basic Markdown set
By Jay Salvat - Feb, 01 2008A basic Markdown markup set with Headings, Bold, Italic, Picture, Link, List, Quotes, Code, Preview button.
Basic Wiki syntax set
By Jay Salvat - Feb, 01 2008A basic Wiki markup set with Headings, Bold, Italic, Stroke through, Picture, Link, List, Quotes, Code, Preview button.
Basic Dotclear set
By Jay Salvat - Feb, 01 2008A basic Dotclear markup set with Headings, Bold, Italic, Stroke through, Picture, Link, List, Quotes, Code, Preview button.
Basic XBBCode set
By Nicolas Froidure - May, 22 2009A basic XBBCode markup set with Headings, Paragraph, Bold, Italic, Stroke through, Picture, Link, List, Clean button, Preview button.
Basic Css set
By Kevin Papstt - Apr, 07 2008A CSS editor set with Bold, Italic, Stroke through, Lowercase, Uppercase, Alignment, Text indent, Letter spacing, Line height, Padding/Margin, Background image and CSS file import.
Basic Texy set
By Peter Kahoun - May, 07 2008A basic Texy markup set with Headings, Bold, Italic, Picture, Link, Lists, Quotes and Codes (Inline and Block).
Basic Txt2Tags set
By Florent Gallaire - Jan, 28 2010A basic Txt2Tags markup set with Headings, Bold, Italic, Picture, Link, Lists, Quotes and Codes (Inline and Block).
Basic ReStructuredText set
By Florent Gallaire - Jan, 28 2010A basic ReStructuredText markup set with Headings, Bold, Italic, Picture, Link, Lists, Quotes and Codes (Inline and Block).
Basic MarkMin set
By Web2py - May, 04 2011A basic Markdown markup set with Headings, Bold, Italic, Picture, Link, List, Preview button.
Miscallaneous add-ons
Quick save
By Jay Salvat - May, 07 2008Add buttons to load and save your markItUp! content via Ajax and a Php server-side script.
By Jay Salvat - Feb, 01 2008Add a button to execute a calcul on the selection if possible.
Tango Palette
By Jay Salvat - Feb, 01 2008Add a button to open a 27 color palette inspired by the Tango Desktop Project palette.
Date of the day
By Jay Salvat - Feb, 01 2008Add a button to insert the date of the day.
Rss Feed Grabber
By Jay Salvat - May, 07 2008Add a button to load Rss Feeds via Ajax and a Php server-side script.
Email selection
By Jay Salvat - Feb, 01 2008Add a button to email the text selection.
Sort by alphabetical order
By Jay Salvat - Feb, 01 2008Add a button to sort selected lines by alphabetical order. Alt Key revert the order.
Lorem Ipsum
By Jay Salvat - Feb, 01 2008Add a dropdown menu to insert some fake Lorem Ipsum text.
Html add-ons
Tiny Url
By Jay Salvat - May, 07 2008Add a button to tranform your long URL in a TinyUrl via Ajax and a Php server-side script.
Html Table generator
By Jay Salvat - Feb, 01 2008Add a unic button to generate tables.
Escape Html special chars
By Jay Salvat - Feb, 01 2008Add a button to escape any special Html chars from the selection as <, >.
Html Tidy pack
By Jay Salvat - May, 07 2008Add buttons to check or repair your content in a strict and valid Html with Html Tidy via Ajax and a Php server-side script. Html Tidy Php extension must be installed on your server.
By Jay Salvat - Feb, 01 2008Add 3 buttons to manage Tables : Table, Tr (Alt key: Th), Td.
BBCode add-ons
8 color palette
By Jay Salvat - Feb, 01 2008Add a 8 color palette to insert [color] tag.
Textile add-ons
Table generator
By Jay Salvat - Feb, 01 2008Add a unic button to generate Textile tables.
Wiki add-ons
Table generator
By Jay Salvat - Feb, 01 2008Add a unic button to generate Wiki tables.
Some skins
markItUp! skin
By Jay Salvat - Feb, 01 2008Offical markItUp! Skin.
jTagEditor skin
By Jay Salvat - Feb, 01 2008Former jTagEditor Skin.
Simple and neutral skin
By Jay Salvat - Feb, 01 2008Very simple Skin.
Mac OSX skin
By Jay Salvat - Feb, 01 2008Mac OSX inspired Skin.
Live skin
By Jay Salvat - Feb, 01 2008Windows Live inspired Skin.
CMS, Blogs Plateforms, Frameworks & other Projects
Wordpress Plug-in
By Stefano Verna - Sep, 08 2008Use markItUp! in Wordpress.
Drupal Plug-in
By Michael Samuelson - Sep, 08 2008Use markItUp! in Drupal.
Drupal Wysiwyg Plug-in
By Daniel F. Kudwien - Mar, 23 2011Allows to use client-side editors to edit content in Drupal. markItUp! supported.
Text Pattern Plug-in
By Jonathan Hedrén - Sep, 08 2008Use markItUp! in Text Pattern.
MarkItUp! for Jeditable
By Mika Tuupola - Sep, 08 2008Use markItUp! with jQuery jEditable plug-in.
MarkItUp! for CakePhp
By Jay Salvat - Sep, 25 2008Some markItUp! helpers for CakePhp.
MarkItUp! for MediaWiki
By Carlo Polisini - Feb, 05 2009Use markItUp! in MediaWiki.
Coldfusion Upload plugin for Galleon
By Saravana Muthu.J - Apr, 12 2010Markitup picture upload plugin for Galleon
Habari Plug-in
By Elijah Snyder - Sep, 08 2008Use markItUp! in Habari.
MarkItUp! fro ExpressionEngine
By Masuga Webdesign - Sep, 25 2009
Use MarkItUp! in ExpressionEngine.
Commercial: $20
MarkItUp! for ExpressionEngine
By Wise Up Studio - Oct, 19 2009
Use MarkItUp! in ExpressionEngine with MX UniEditor.
Django MarkItUp! integration
By Carl Meyer - Mar, 11 2009A Django reusable application for integrating markItUp!.
Yii Framework for PHP for markItUp!
By Jerry Ablan - Jun, 12 2009markItUp! for Yii Php Framework. Part a larger library of jQuery UI widgets.
markItUp! For Greasemonkey
By Stephen Cronin - Mar, 03 2010A Greasemonkey script that adds the markItUp! Editor to any textarea on a page.
BBCode & XBBCode parsers
markItUp! Php BBCode Parser
By Jay Salvat - Feb, 08 2010markItUp! BBCode parser V.1.0.6
markItUp! Php XBBCode Parser
By Nicolas Froidure - May, 22 2009markItUp! BBCode parser V.1.0
Textile parsers
By Jukka Svahn - Feb, 18 2015Textile markup language parser for PHP.
Python Parser
By Roberto A. F. De Almeida - Feb, 01 2008A Textile Python parser.
MarkDown parsers
Perl Official Parser
By John Gruber - Feb, 01 2008The Official parser.
PHP Markdown
By Michel Fortin - Feb, 01 2008A MarkDown Php Parser
By BlueCloth Team - Feb, 01 2008A Ruby Parser
Markdown in Python
By Yuri Takhteyev - Apr, 11 2008A Python Php Parser
Wiki parsers
Php Parser
By Steve Blinch - Feb, 01 2008A Wiki Php Parser
Texy parsers
Txt2Tags parsers
Python Parser
By Txt2Tags Team - Oct, 21 2009A Txt2Tags Python Parser
Great links
Farbtastic color picker
By Steven Wittens. - Mar, 01 2008Farbtastic: jQuery color picker plug-in