Want more?
  • Buzz

    A powerful Javascript audio library over the HTML5 audio element.

  • Vegas

    A jQuery plugin to to add beautiful fullscreen backgrounds to your webpages and create amazing Slideshows.

  • SundayMorning

    A jQuery plugin to translate content on the fly.

  • Face Detection

    A jQuery plugin to detect faces in pictures.


Advanced integration example

Integration of markItUp! with other plugins or external elements. The page uses Farbastic by Steven Wittens, Simplemodal by Eric Martin, jQuery UI by jQuery team and some dummy modules made for this example.

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Farbtastic plugin by Steven Wittens

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Product 1

Minou the dog 1
minou1.jpg - 500x375
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Product 2

Minou the dog 2
minou2.jpg - 500x375
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Product 3

Minou the dog 3
minou3.jpg - 500x375
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Product 4

Minou the dog 4
minou4.jpg - 500x375
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Product 5

Minou the dog 5
minou5.jpg - 500x375
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